Ever gotten frustrated using WordPress because you couldn’t make your website look exactly the way you wanted?
Those problems are about to change, and I’m so excited! On Tuesday, January 25, the WordPress developer community will be releasing version 5.9, along with the new default theme Twenty Twenty-Two. I’m so excited for the WordPress changes!
If you’re getting ready for a WordPress site redesign, make sure any designer you hire and/or theme you buy is block-based and ready for full-site editing (FSE).
If you aren’t changing your site design, what happens to your old WP theme when you upgrade to 5.9? It will probably be fine.
“Popular themes that have been in the industry for some time, such as Divi and Avada, have their owner page-builders already incorporated and will not utilize full site editing. The code they are built around will simply disable the full site editing feature and the experience for the user will be very similar to as it was previous to the release.” (source)
For more information: